Oct 14, 2012

Beer Bitch Project! Part 7: Pumpkinhead, Gruntled Pumpkin & Citrouille

 Pumpkin Beer #12: Shipyard Pumpkinhead Ale

Mr. Pumpkinhead says "Can I have the Smashed Pumpkin instead?"

You know what?  No.  There is no excuse for this beer.  It's sick and wrong.  How does Shipyard get away with having the amazingly tasty (and boozy) Smashed Pumpkin Ale to this poor example of gourd-infused brew?  This is their regular seasonal pumpkin, and they should retire it.  It tastes like sugary, pumpkin-flavored pop.  Nothing else.

Beer Bitch Grade: F
Method of Intake: 12 oz single / rest of 6pk in back of fridge forever?
ABV: Does it fucking matter?

 Pumpkin Beer #13: RJ Rocker's Brewing Co. Gruntled Pumpkin

Never heard of this S. Carolina brewery before, but I was pleased to stumble upon this in the back corner of a walk-in fridge of a local liquor store that didn't have enough pumpkin beer varieties.  I scooped it up right away without realizing the 6pk was $16 (uh?).  So what's the verdict?  Gruntled is a unique pumpkin beer.  It pours and smells pleasant--a pretty amber with the aroma of roasted root veggies, oddly enough.  However, the flavor is more heavy on the spices instead of the pumpkin, and there's a weird caramel thing going on that didn't sit right with me.  Also, despite not being an incredibly heavy beer, it has that unpleasant chewy mouthfeel that makes you feel like you're eating your beer.

Beer Bitch Grade: C+
Method of Intake: Overpriced 6pk
ABV: 7.0%



 Pumpkin Beer #14: St. Ambroise Citrouille


St. Ambroise Citrouille is a light, coppery pumpkin ale.  It has a high drinkability factor (and maybe even a little on the watery side).  Pumpkin takes a backseat to cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger.  A good drinking beer, but nothing particularly special.


Beer Bitch Grade: B-
Method of Intake: 6pk
ABV: 5.0%

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